The botanical name translates to "perennial lettuce", but its high ornamental quotient rather than its toothsomeness is what captivates us. Truth be told, we haven't had a bite, so this verdict may be subject to revision. In any event, as an ornamental it gives the effect of a compact, highly refined, non-weedy Cichorium intybus. Rosettes of lobed, tongue-shaped, blue-green leaves that would look right at home in a mesclun mix bring forth racemes of sky-blue flowers from late spring to summer. Native to mountains of Europe (its most common common name is mountain lettuce), it likes well-drained soil and is not happy in blazing hot, humid conditions. It would make a splendid subject for a large rock garden, for example. Propagated from seed. Deep 3.5-inch pots. Zone 5. Photo: marcienne
Sun; not too heavy soil; 2'x1'; spring to summer